I was born in Edmond, Oklahoma, where my whole extended family is to this day. My parents, sister, and I moved to St. Augustine, Florida in 2011. In 2023, I bought my first home in Ambridge! I decided to move to the Pittsburgh area almost completely on a whim. I was ready to get away from the Florida heat more than anything! I’ve been obsessed with animals my whole life, and always told my family I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up. After leaving Starbucks in 2019, I got a job at a family-owned dog daycare and that was it. I love being a receptionist because it gives me the opportunity to see all the amazing things the technicians and doctors are doing and still gives me plenty of time to interact with the clients and people, I have already grown so fond of since joining the team. I have two babies of my own, Guppie the German Shepherd and Grouper my orange tabby cat. They are absolutely everything to me. Guppie and I love exploring all the parks and trails the city has to offer on my days off and taking random trips to dog friendly stores just for fun! I’d say that my most favorite pastime is spending time with them 🙂
What's Next
Call us or request an appointment online!
Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.
Put a plan together for your pet.